Collection: Sponsor a child from the slum into education

A good education will give an underprivileged child from the slum the opportunity and skills to find a well paying job to take themselves and their families out of the slums and to start to break the generational poverty cycle.  
This program works with many students going onto further education in colleges and university with several gaining degrees in business, media studies, fine art and graphic design.
Also several girls have become nurses and one young lady will qualify as a Doctor in early 2024!  Their humble beginnings do not limit their achievements if given the opportunity. You can help more of these amazing children to better themselves for just a few dollars a week.
Day school child sponsorship only $7.30 per week which includes:  pickup from the slum and taken to school, uniforms, schools, text books, exercise books etc. plus lunch, medical treatment and the very best teaching staff providing an excellent and holistic education.

Sponsorship Options

 Weekly     $7.30 per week

Monthly    $31.65 per month

Quarterly  $95.00 every 3 months

annually - $380.00 per year

You can even travel to India with the Pencil Tree group to meet the children!